Monday, March 24, 2008

Royal Flush

Question: Does doing Royal Flush shots (see title link for recipe) make me less manly? The problem is this shot contains peach schnapps, quite possibly the gayest of all liquors. I am blaming my buddy Pulli for this one. I thought I had learned my lesson by now, but noooooo, of course I meet him out Saturday. Any time I meet Pulli out it's a 4am or better night. This time it included shots of this tasty concoction. I'm torn over whether it's ok because it also has whiskey, or if because it has peach schnapps I should have denounced the creation of such an abomination. So, what's the verdict on such drinks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it tastes great and can contribute to you getting bomber, it is OK. Although hanging with that pulli guy will make you gay, so be careful.